We all know that getting recognition of your child’s additional needs normally results in nothing more than a leaflet being given with some further information.
But one thing this recognition does give you is the ability to apply for Disability Living Allowance, a monthly benefit which can help you to cover any additional costs which come as a result of your child’s disability.
On 16 January we are holding a webinar all about DLA and also the move onto PIP (Personal Independent Payments) which happens once your child turns 16.
This webinar, hosted by our ALN and SEND advocates Rachel Parry and Nicole Wright, will be so useful to you if you haven’t applied for DLA before or if your child is currently in receipt and you want to forward plan for the move to PIP. Plus, if you join us on the night live then there’s the opportunity to ask questions. Tickets are available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/955340819107

If you haven’t yet applied for DLA for your child, there are loads of benefits to doing so:
Financial support
DLA is a non-means tested benefit which means it doesn’t matter about your own personal financial circumstances. The benefit is awarded to the child, although paid into your bank account as their parent or carer. You can then use the payment however you feel will best benefit your child – there’s no need to account for what you do or explain what the money has gone towards.
Payments are tiered according to the judged level of need. There’s two bits to it – one is the care component and that’s judged as either high, middle or low. The second bit is mobility and that’s judged as either high or low.
You have to re-apply every three years so it’s not a big administrative task although the application form is chunky! A top tip is to note down what you have written when you first apply as this makes it much easier when you come to re-apply, especially if their needs haven’t vastly changed in that time.
Securing other benefits
DLA can act as a gateway to be able to secure other benefits. For example, both the mobility scheme and Blue Badge scheme for children are judged based upon the level of need identified by DLA. It can also open the door for a Carer’s Allowance application too.
Getting DLA can lead to increased payments with other benefits such as Universal Credit, Housing Benefit and Income Support.
Proving you are in receipt of DLA allows you access discounted entrance to some attractions and venues. Many will allow a child who has proof of DLA in for a disabled admission cost and then allow a carer in to accompany them for free.
This can be a great way of making venues more accessible in cost if you need it.
Things to know about DLA
We’ll cover so much more about DLA and PIP in our webinar on 16 January so we hope you can join us then but in the meantime, here are some bits of need to know info….