On The Double Rainbow – Ausome Charlie

Intersectional Diversity: The ‘Double Rainbow’ of Autism and LGBTQIA+ Charlie Hart, also known as ‘Ausome Charlie’ (she/they), is a popular keynote speaker, an experienced Human Resources Analyst, and an influential neurodiversity advocate. Charlie is multiple neurodivergent (Autistic, ADHD, Complex PTSD), bisexual/pansexual, and gender non-conforming. The ‘double rainbow’ Studies show that autistic people are far more […]

Managing Back To School Anxiety

Back To School Anxiety

Helping Children Manage Back-to-School Anxiety Here at Sunshine Support, anxiety is one of the topics that we come across the most, especially as we approach the start of the new school term. As the days of summer start to fade, the prospect of going back to school in the Autumn term can stir up an […]

Managing Different Needs Within the Family

Mixed Needs Blog

The task of meeting the needs of your entire family is demanding enough without mixed needs to consider; how do we manage different needs within a family effectively? In this post, we’ll be sharing some valuable insight from families whose children have mixed needs, as well as signposting you to our own resources in order […]

What is Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)?

If you’re a parent or professional in the world of SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities), you may have come across the term ‘Pathological Demand Avoidance’, often abbreviated as ‘PDA’. What is Pathological Demand Avoidance and why are we really only just starting to hear more about it? A long unrecognised and poorly understood presentation, […]

EOTAS – 5 Things you need to know


Education other than at school (EOTAS) can be a fantastic option for anyone who cannot access suitable education. Sometimes it’s also the only option left. There can be many positive outcomes to EOTAS but sometimes it just does not work out and leaves parents stuck and without support. So, after speaking to experts on the […]

A Mother’s Journey: Navigating the Storm of Child to Parent Abuse

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a fighter. I fought to bring my daughter into this world, and I’ve fought every single day since to ensure she has the best life possible. My daughter, now in her twenties, was diagnosed with autism with a PDA profile and ADHD.

Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders

As a parent it can be heart-breaking to watch your child struggle with their food. Whether this is seen as ‘picky eating’ or something else, it’s hard to understand when it’s an actual problem and how we go about helping them. 

We’ve all heard the terms “disordered eating” and “eating disorders”, but are they really the same? Let’s clear this up…