On The Double Rainbow – Ausome Charlie

Intersectional Diversity: The ‘Double Rainbow’ of Autism and LGBTQIA+ Charlie Hart, also known as ‘Ausome Charlie’ (she/they), is a popular keynote speaker, an experienced Human Resources Analyst, and an influential […]

Managing Back To School Anxiety

Back To School Anxiety

Helping Children Manage Back-to-School Anxiety Here at Sunshine Support, anxiety is one of the topics that we come across the most, especially as we approach the start of the new […]

Managing Different Needs Within the Family

Mixed Needs Blog

The task of meeting the needs of your entire family is demanding enough without mixed needs to consider; how do we manage different needs within a family effectively? In this […]

Supporting & Understanding Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia Blog

Dyscalculia – a condition that we feel hasn’t has enough attention for too long! For those of us who’ve actually heard of it, many of us still don’t fully understand […]

What is Trauma?

Trauma Blog

I think many of us are afraid to use the word ‘trauma’ which really should not be the case. Perhaps this is due to people fearing using the word incase […]

What is Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)?

If you’re a parent or professional in the world of SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities), you may have come across the term ‘Pathological Demand Avoidance’, often abbreviated as ‘PDA’. […]

EOTAS – 5 Things you need to know


Education other than at school (EOTAS) can be a fantastic option for anyone who cannot access suitable education. Sometimes it’s also the only option left. There can be many positive […]