School Attendance Difficulties and School-related Trauma

This guide to school attendance difficulties and school-related trauma could be highly useful.
School Climate: The REAL Reasons For School Avoidance

If you don’t yet follow our founder Chrissa Wadlow on Instagram under her new channel ‘SunshineChrissa‘, you’re missing out. Her latest 5-part series on the REAL reasons for school avoidance addresses the nuance behind why children may struggle to go to school – you may find it highly relatable. Evoking meaningful and validating conversations about […]
School Attendance Difficulties in a Post-COVID World

As we enter into a new year we are encouraged to reflect upon the past, both the good and the bad. If we should take anything from the last 3 years, it’s that we must be resilient when facing new challenges. For us as SEND Parents, this is second nature. School Attendance Difficulties are commonplace […]