Every student deserves the right to accessible and fair higher education, but not all students receive it. However, most students with a specific learning difficulty, mental health condition, or disability will qualify for funding which can support their studies.

Gaining the right support can be a life changing experience for any person wanting to delve into the world of hight education…


What is DSA?

A Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) covers some of the extra study-related costs you incur due to an impairment, mental health condition, or learning difference. This is a non-repayable allowance which is in addition to other student finance.

The amount you’ll receive depends on your individual needs not on your income, nor that of your parents or partner. However, there are some restrictions on what you may use a DSA for and there are regional differences around the UK, so check the details below carefully.

What can DSA be used for?

You can get help with the costs of:

(INFORMATION FROM: https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowance-dsa)

Laws to be aware of…

What is the definition of a DISABILITY? Do I meet the legal definition?

According to the GOV.UK website…

To be protected under the Equality Act, you must meet the legal definition. Disability is defined as:

Physical or mental impairment can include: