Masking and Fawning – Our Survival Instincts

A long time ago… According to anthropologists, our human ancestors have walked the earth for over 6 million years (although there is much MUCH debate over this…). In that time, we have adapted, changed, and evolved. We have emerged from caves and built houses, cathedrals and cities. We have established laws and countries and appointed […]

School Avoidance Week 2024

School Avoidance Week 2024

How can we recognise and properly support children who are struggling to attend school? School avoidance – sometimes referred to as school ‘refusal’, which we’ll address further on – is a very complex and multifaceted issue where a child experiences intense difficulty attending school.

Managing Back To School Anxiety

Back To School Anxiety

Helping Children Manage Back-to-School Anxiety Here at Sunshine Support, anxiety is one of the topics that we come across the most, especially as we approach the start of the new school term. As the days of summer start to fade, the prospect of going back to school in the Autumn term can stir up an […]

School Attendance Difficulties in a Post-COVID World

As we enter into a new year we are encouraged to reflect upon the past, both the good and the bad. If we should take anything from the last 3 years, it’s that we must be resilient when facing new challenges. For us as SEND Parents, this is second nature. School Attendance Difficulties are commonplace […]

The Truth about Autism and Mental Health

The Shocking Statistics… Many autistic people struggle with their mental health. Research shows over 40% of autistic people have anxiety disorders (Tantam & Girgis, 2009; Hollocks et al 2019) and approximately 30% of autistic people have depression (Ghaziuddin et al 1998, Hollocks et al 2019). Other mental illnesses, such as psychosis and eating disorders, to […]